
Merry Christmas!

I can't believe I haven't blogged since December 6th!
Since I've been off work, I have spent a lot of time with the puppy!
And catching up on sleep....

I am fully rested and ready for a new semester now, but I'm so excited I still have another week off!
Since I've been on Christmas break I've...

Spent time with family and friends...
I've taken lots of walks with sweet Hazel, in my new kicks...
Completed a few puzzles with the hubby...
Started reading books... FOR FUN!
Watched lots of movies and Modern Family Season 3...
(Hazel hid beside the couch during one movie!)
And loved on my sweet puppy!
As you can tell, it was no exaggeration that I've spent a lot of time loving on my puppy!  Hazel met LOTS of family and friends.  She is purely exhausted.

David and I are going to enjoy some time in the mountains before life gets crazy again.
We are going to visit Asheville, NC and the Biltmore!  We are so excited!
I hope you had a MERRY CHRISTMAS as well!

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