
oh life...

So life has gotten in the way of my blog again... sorry!
I have even had a birthday since I lasted posted!
Between keeping up with the puppy, starting a new semester, and coaching tennis...
I have been super busy!
Hazel is really cuddly.  We don't let her sleep in the bed, but this particular morning we snuggled.
She really is so sweet and smart!
I had a wonderful birthday two Friday's ago!!  My parents and grandma came to visit and celebrate the big 26 with me.  It was so fun to see them and have them at our place!  Hazel loves visitors!
I've been dying for a sewing machine for awhile and they got me one!  With an adorable sewing box!
I can't wait to really get started DIYing!
David made me an amazing Funfetti Oreo Cheesecake Cake!  I even had sparklers for candles :)
David and I have been having a lot of fun this January!  Tomorrow is his birthday, so...
Man and man's best friend watching the Inauguration together :)
This past weekend David and I went to a beautiful wedding!! It was so fun!
All and all, it has been a great January!

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