

Last week my school went on intercession.
Woohoo a week off!
We have our tennis region tournament during spring break this year, so I knew I had to take advantage of it.  My mama and grandma very generously took me to the beach for the week!  Boy, am I thankful for all the sun and my tan!
Welcome to Hollywood Beach, Florida! So beautiful!
 The first night, we went to Taverna Opa!  We had a very good experience!  It was so entertaining and fun!  Here are grandma and I!  At the beginning of our meal they brought out garbanzo beans that had been marinated in olive oil and mixed with garlic in a mortar bowl.  The waitress showed us how to make our own hummus with the pestle!  It was so neat and yummy!
 Here are three generations standing outside the restaurant!!
It was really windy at night!
 On another evening, we ventured over to Le Tub.  Their burger was rated one of the best in the US by GQ Magazine and Oprah!  So of course we had to go try it!!  
The burger lived up to all burger hopes and dreams.  It was exceptional!
The atmosphere was awesome.  We were sitting waterside enjoying our dinner!
Now that I'm back, I promise to be a better blogger!  I'm looking forward to make my own hummus recipe and trying some other new recipes I will post soon!

Hope you are having a great week!

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