
homemade hummus

When I had some time off in March, I went to Hollywood Beach in Florida with my mama and grandma.  On our first night we ate at a really good and FUN restaurant, Taverna Opa.
Typically, if you go to a nicer restaurant they bring you complimentary bread before your meal.  Well, at Taverna Opa they bring out a mortar and pestle bowl with marinated chickpeas in it and a side of bread.  At first, we couldn't figure out what to do with it.  Our waitress quickly showed us how to mash up the chickpeas for hummus!  It was the best I had ever had!  I was so in love with it I had to have the recipe.  I was shocked at how easy it was!

Later in the week, my grandma bought me a really nice mortar and pestle so I could make my own (and think of her when I did!)  I have finally gotten around to trying it and it was so easy and YUMMY!
Homemade Hummus
Serving Size: 6

1 can Progresso Chickpeas (19oz)
1/2 cup olive oil
3 cloves of garlic
1/4 tsp salt
1 tbsp lemon juice
Pinch of pepper
Marinate the chickpeas in olive oil, garlic, salt, lemon juice, and pepper for 2 to 3 hours.
Drain chickpeas from marinade and put them in your mortar.
Use pestle to mash chickpeas for hummus!


1 comment:

  1. How much sodium is in this recipe ? I loved the hummus and made it myself. Absolutely delicious. I sent the recipe to a “friend” and was told it had too much sodium. I sweetly suggested she buy low sodium chickpeas!!!!!
    Beth Rose
