
Garlic and Herb Salad with Chicken

Today was my last day with kids! Woohoo! The kids are out for the summer! I'm not quite out yet, but it's getting closer and closer! YAY! 

Now onto the salad....
One thing my new husband can attest to since marriage is that I am a creature of habit.  And I don't like change much.  Or handle it well for that matter.

The most basic example of my habitualness is seen at dinnertime.  If I try out a new recipe and we like it, you can be assured I'm making it again (probably the next night!)  I don't think David minds too much!

This salad is super easy!  I cooked some seasoned chicken over the stove.  I used onion powder, garlic salt, and some Italian seasonings.  The salad dressing is a packet I found at Kroger, Good Seasons Salad Dressing Garlic and Herb.  On the packet they give two preparations.  One with more olive oil and one with less.  Depending on how much you use will depend on the calories in your salad.  However, they are still low if used sparingly.  Lastly, I chopped up some cherry tomatoes, YUM!  It made for a beautiful, yummy and EASY dinner.

Garlic and Herb Salad with Chicken  
1-2 Chicken breasts
Any seasoning you want for the chicken
Good Seasons Salad Dressing Garlic and Herb
Romaine lettuce
Cherry tomatoes


Grill chicken over stove in seasoning.  Cut into strips when done.
Mix salad dressing and chill for at least 30 minutes.
Mix everything together!

So easy, but I had to share!  We love making new healthy dressings for salad!
Are there any dressings that you love?

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