
fresh friday

About half of you are about to say "ew yuck" and the other half "oh yum!"
But my guess is about half of the "ew yuck"ers will secretly be saying "oh yum!"

Now, I know there are unspoken rules about when you eat tuna salad.  Mainly, it smells.  So if you are taking it to work, you need to be aware of who you are eating with (or eat alone that day!)  However, there are so many benefits to eating it.  Tuna is all protein and NO carbs!  It also includes healthy portions of vitamins E and K, potassium, iron and iodine.

Since I steer clear of carbs, tuna is a great choice for me.  And coming up with creative ways to eat it is easier than it seems.  Since it is summertime, I wanted to fix some tuna salad up with some fresh veggies.  And I came up with what you see above!  My mama and I enjoyed it for lunch yesterday and I half to say emphasize, we ENJOYED IT very much.  I call it, Half and Half Tuna Salad Tomato because it is supposed to be a cross between a tuna melt and tuna salad sandwich!

Half and Half Tuna Salad Tomato
Serves 2 people

12 oz can of Bumble Bee Chunk White Albacore in Water
2 tablespoons Hellmann's Mayo with Olive Oil
3 tablespoons Mt. Olive Sweet Relish
3 medium size tomatoes
Kraft 2% Mozzarella Cheese

Mix tuna, mayo, and relish together well. The measurements for mayo and relish can be adjusted to your liking.  I usually try to use the least amount of mayo possible (I'm not a big fan).
Then, refrigerate until ready to use.
Turn oven onto Broil.
Slice 1 tomato into 4, place on a baking sheet, top with mozzarella and broil until cheese bubbles.
Hollow out the other two tomatoes and fill with chilled tuna salad.

I hope you have a great weekend!  What are your uses for tuna salad?

Now to start my weekend off right with a little puppy play time!

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