
spinach and parm baked eggs

In my last post, I detailed our wonderful trip to Savannah, including the yummy breakfasts we ate at the President's Quarters Inn.  But what I didn't mention was what some of those breakfasts included.  Ever since our last morning there, I have been trying to recreate (with my own twist) their baked eggs dish.  

Now lets get real...up until this point in my life I have only liked eggs cooked one way...

scrambled with cheese.

However, I'm almost always open to trying new things and I went for it.  I ordered baked eggs.
And I was genuinely surprised at how much I loved it!

When I got to my mama's house, I located a couple ramekins the first morning and tried to recreate the wonderful breakfast I ate at the inn.  First try was a fail.  My mama ate the other one and pretended to like it, but we talked about some changes I could make to create something better.  That's how I made what you see in the picture above!  The best part is that the spinach and mushroom I used could be substituted with anything, including breakfast meats!  I promise you won't regret eating this yummy egg dish!

Spinach and Parm Baked Eggs
Serving Size: 2

4 eggs (separated)
Half a bag of fresh spinach
Handful of chopped mushrooms
2 tbsp of parmesan cheese (halved)
3 tbsp 0% Fage Plain Yogurt (halved)
1 tbsp water
Salt and Pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 400.
Put 1 tbsp water, spinach, and chopped mushrooms into skillet and cook down.  This usually takes about 10 minutes.  While they are cooking separate 4 eggs into two bowls. Yolks in one (stir together) and whites in the other.  Add some salt and pepper to the egg whites and stir.

Then put 1 tbsp of parm and 1 1/2 tbsp yogurt into each ramekin.  Mix together.
When spinach and mushrooms are ready put an equal amount into each ramekin and mix together with yogurt and parm.  Cover the bottom of the dish with mixture.

Put half of the eggs whites over each dish.  Then drop in a little bit of the yolk.  We are not big on the yolk, so I just added what I felt like the yolk of one eggs was to each dish.  Feel free to add more if you wish.  Below is a picture of what mine looked like before going in the oven!
Place ramekins on a baking sheet and bake for 15-20 minutes or until it is puffy and solid on top.
I have been known to open it halfway through cooking and add a little parm to the top too.
What can I say, I like cheese!

Again, these could be made with any type of cheese, bacon, ham, or breakfast sausage.
They are truly so easy!

Let me know if you try it or make changes, I would love to know!

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