
skinny peach ice cream

It's official y'all...

I have stumbled upon something

Let's get serious, you won't be speaking real english when you taste it because it is THAT good.

My cousin Tommy came to visit and with him he brought a HUGE box of peaches from the motherland (middle GA).  My dad worked on a peach farm when he was a kid for about 80 cents an hour.  He always said the big perk of the job was eating peaches until your belly ached--so you know he was in heaven!  We started trying to brainstorm all of the yummy things we could make with peaches, but also keeping in mind my sugar-free, low carb diet.

I started googling and there were a lot of great options.  I was drawn to one posted by Health magazine.  And boy did they hit it out of the park!  My whole family LOVED it!  It's diabetic friendly and only 58 calories! Woohoo!
Skinny Peach Ice Cream
Makes 1/2 gallon

2 cups of Carnation evaporated fat-free milk
1 cup fat free milk
2/3 cups Splenda (or any other zero calorie sugar)
1/2 cup egg white substitute
1/4 teaspoon almond extract
2 generous cups of chopped peaches (and any extra juice!)

First, use a hand mixer to blend the first 5 ingredients.
Stir in the peaches.
Put it in your ice cream maker and let it work!

Ours only took about 20 minutes in our electric ice cream maker and then we put it in the freezer to stiffen up some more before enjoying.

I promise you won't regret making this delicious treat!

What kinds of ice cream or peach desserts do you make?

Happy 4th!

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