
todays things vol. 1

There is really nothing better than coming home to a wide-eyed, tall wagging, snugly little puppy.  Hazel never fails to make me (or David) feel welcomed home, warm, and loved--even when I do wake her up at 5am every day.  The unconditional love of a puppy is the quickest way to warm a heart.

This past weekend it rained and rained.  And of course, Hazel had to go to the bathroom when it was raining the worst!  Our next door neighbors had their sweet dog out at the same time.  Since we were all wet to begin with, we let the dogs play!  After about 30 minutes, we and the dogs were COVERED in mud.  Watching her play in the mud with pure joy on her face was definitely worth it!

This week, classes at UGA started back.  The first day of classes can only mean one thing.... BID DAY!! This picture is from ZTA's Bid Day my senior year.  Every year when bid day pictures are posted to social media my eyes are drawn to them.  I will also be the first to admit that I try to find pictures of the new girls before the night is even over!  But it never fails that every year when bid day comes around I become extremely reminiscent of my college days.  

What I would do to go back!

I've officially made it through a week of school and I am feeling extremely accomplished.  I got everything hung in my room, organized and ready to go before the first day. I've had my lesson plans completed days in advanced, created new PowerPoints, and additional vocab activities. And I have made it through Unit One in record time.  I would partially contribute this to the giant iced coffee I drink every morning and partially to the 8 hours of sleep I've been getting every night.  It's felt good.

Just before school started I cut off my hair!  It is the shortest it's ever been, no lie!  It has definitely taken a lot of getting used to and it still doesn't all fit in a pony tail.  However, I am loving it!  It takes 5 minutes less to dry my hair, it styles easily, and wears well!  I have been so happy with it, I've been tempted to keep it short!  I don't think that will happen, but I do think an annual chop is on the table ;)

Weeknight dates with the hubs at our favorite Mexican perfect.  We starting going to a particular restaurant because it was close to our house, but it has quickly topped our list.  We love the familiarity.  There's nothing like taking a break from reality to date each other.  And weeknight dates are the perfect recipe for relaxation.   

When we came home, I had unfortunately left my sock draw open and well, precious Hazel had made herself a little pile :)
How are you feeling today?

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