
todays things vol. 2

I had a great weekend with the hubs!  It was so relaxing and fun.  We celebrated the beginning of a new year at the law school's bull roast.  It was good to see everyone and of course, eat some good BBQ!  Saturday, some friends came to stay with us and we had fun catching up and telling old stories.  PLUS it was a beautiful weekend, with a breeze!! Now just one more day and I have a LONG weekend!  Couldn't be more excited :) :) :)

The VMAs started off a little rough Sunday night, but when Justin Timberlake took the stage it was a different story.  I've had the desire to see him perform in person for awhile now and Sunday night confirmed that I MUST see him one day!  His performance was unbelievable.  The husband can tell you that I was screaming like a 12 year old the entire time.  And when N'Sync came out I was overjoyed!  I literally felt like I was there!

I ran out of time to make my coffee this morning, so I swung by McDonalds for a $1 cup!  When I get coffee out, I always feel like it has more caffeine in it than normal. And trust me--I needed it today!

David and I would both agree that supper time is the best time.  Hazel would also agree that its her favorite as well.  Our little snuggle monster knows that ever night, once dinner is over, she gets some serious play time before we get back to our busy lives.  I am absolutely in love with this precious action shot! 

What are you feeling these days?

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