
caprese mini skewers

Yesterday, David and I went on a little adventure.  It wasn't as fruitful as we had hoped, but we still had fun.  While on our way home from this adventure, we stopped at a local produce stand to pick up a few things.  One of those being scuppernongs.  To my knowledge, I had never had one before I met my husband.  However, we always grab some when they are fresh off a fruit stand.
   This particular fruit stand had the most beautiful tomatoes.  They were huge!  Ever since I travelled to Italy with my family a few years ago, I have seen the yummy, juicy tomato light.  Meaning that I could eat tomatoes for dinner and tomatoes alone.

Now, the husband believes that dinner isn't dinner unless something has died on his plate.  However, I have learned that I can make that "something dead" small in proportion to the rest of his plate.  We both agree that any tomato dish tastes so fresh.
A few nights ago, I made a stuffed portobello mushrooms and caprese mini skewers for dinner.  And by "mini skewer," I mean toothpick!  This is a really easy dish that I know you will love!  It keeps for a couple days, so David and I usually snack off of it too!

Caprese Mini Skewers

1 container of cherry tomatoes
1 block of mozzarella cheese
Italian seasoning or Oregano
Extra virgin olive oil
Balsamic vinegar

Cut cherry tomatoes in half and cheese block into small squares.
Put a piece of cheese in-between the cherry tomato halves on the toothpick.
Drizzle olive oil and balsamic over pieces.
Sprinkle Italian seasoning over pieces.

How do you enjoy tomatoes?

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