
pesto zoodles with shrimp

Last tennis season, I brought my bag inside.  It's a rather large bag, and the boys I coach had stuffed it full of tennis balls one day.  (Funny aren't they?)  Unfortunately for the boys, Hazel destroyed a few tennis balls that night.  She sniffed them out and pulled about 15 balls out.  She then scattered them across the house.  A couple of them became hers, and the rest were hidden in my car.  The only problem with Hazel's love of tennis balls is that, she also loves to push them under the couch.  I needed a solution that wasn't getting under the couch with a yard stick every 10 minutes.
Today I went out with one mission, find a giant tennis ball. I was successful! Hazel loves her new toy, and best of all, it can't roll under the couch!  One of the best things about Hazel is that she can play by herself.  She doesn't need me or the hubs to help entertain her.  She will even toss the ball herself, and go get it!  We love this little bundle of joy!

Now on to the yummy stuff!  Today, I'm linking up with Recipe Sharing Monday on Jam Hands!
It's no secret that I love using vegetables as fake starches.  One of my favorites is zucchini noodles or zoodles.  I saw a recipe on Pinterest for a pasta dish that looked amazing.  So I had to recreate it carb-free!  It turned out so good.  I know always I've done something right when halfway through supper David murmurs how good it is while still putting more in his mouth.
Zoodles are extremely easy to make with my handy veggie slicer! I would highly recommend it.  I use it quite often.  It has so many uses!  Now, the best part about the zoodles is that they are extremely filling and mostly water!  It doesn't take much to feel full.
Pesto Zoodles with Shrimp

3 zucchini (spiraled)
1 bag of frozen medium raw shrimp
3 tbsp Classico Basil Pesto
1 tbsp of minced garlic
1 tbsp of olive oil
Salt and pepper

Spiral zucchini and set it aside.
Heat up oil, garlic and salt in skillet.
Add zucchini and pesto.  Toss and stir until zoodles are warm and soft (like noodles).  Usually takes about 10 minutes.  In the last few minutes, boil shrimp for 3-4 minutes.
Once the zucchini has cooked, drain it before plating it. (A lot of moisture will come out of the zucchini while it cooks.)
Plate noodles and add shrimp to the top.  Or if you like, throw the shrimp in the skillet and toss them around first!


Jam Hands

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