
spinach stuffed portobello mushrooms

Today, my 3rd period class (of upperclassmen) decided to play a trick on my 4th period class (of underclassmen).  They turned the desks upside down.  It was truly hilarious.  They continually play pranks on my 4th period, and I get just as much joy out of it as they do!
After being under-the-weather last week, and only feeding David soup, I decided it was time to get back to cooking.  I went to Aldi yesterday, and very randomly grabbed a pack of two portobello mushrooms.  I brainstormed all day about what to do with them.  I desperately wanted to incorporate some tomatoes into our dinner.  I came up with something so delicious.  And I think there are so many other possibilities for the future!
Spinach Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms

2 large portobello mushrooms
1 package of frozen spinach
1 large tomato
1/3 cup 0% Fage greek yogurt
1/2 tbsp minced garlic (or 4 garlic cloves)
1/4 garlic powder
1 tbsp parmesan
Mozzarella to top
Salt to taste

Preheat the oven to 400.
Cook spinach as package directs and add in minced garlic.
Once it cooks down, drain, and pat out water.  Mix the spinach, greek yogurt, garlic powder, parmesan, and salt.  Place the spinach mixture inside of the mushrooms.
Thinly slice the tomato and lay a few slices on top of the spinach.
Cover with mozzarella and bake for 20 minutes.
Serve warm and enjoy :)

Let me know what you think!  Do you stuff portobello mushrooms?  

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