
Roasted Cauliflower and Vermont Cheddar Soup

I'm trying my best to make it through this blog post before cleaning my computer screen.
The puppy doesn't understand what the computer does and continually puts her nose prints and tongue on it.
She also thinks she hears the hubs coming home every 5 minutes and RUNS to the front door.
Hopefully one day she will figure out it's the TV?

Tonight I was on my own for dinner, well actually, I am pretty much on my own all week because of law school (cry...sniff...cry).  And this rainy Monday has left me craving soup!  The hubs doesn't mind too much because he gets to take yummy food to school for lunch!  He has since come home, tried the soup and professed his undying love for it... and me :)

I have been dying to try this recipe ever since I pinned it!
My more recent love for cauliflower led to daydreams about this creamy soup.

DEFINITELY recommend it! Go make this NOW!

Roasted Cauliflower and Aged NE White Cheddar Soup

Makes about 4-6 servings.

1 head of cauliflower
1 small onion
1 tsp thyme
2 garlic cloves (minced)
3 cups chicken broth
1 cup skim milk
1 1/2 cups white aged cheddar cheese
salt and pepper
olive oil

Roast cauliflower florets at 400 for 20 minutes.
Dice up small onion and begin sauteing in pot with olive oil.
Stir in 2 garlic cloves and thyme for about one minute.
Add chicken broth and roasted cauliflower, bring to boil.
Once boiling, bring back down to simmer and cover for 20 minutes.
Using immersion blender (hand blender), blend until soup consistency.
Add in cheese, stir until melted in.  Do not boil cheese.
Add in milk and stir.

Now... ENJOY :)

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