

Lucky for me, my work week is almost over!  We have Friday and Monday off!
I go to work REALLY early in the morning... every single day.
And it doesn't ever get easier, especially now with this precious face pouting at me in the mornings.
I always imagine her saying, "Are you leaving me again? Please don't go!"
After reading the manual and making sure I really understood my new sewing machine, I started to sew tonight.  My love for sewing started in high school when I took a clothing class.  Ever since I got this beautiful machine for my birthday, I've been pinning and saving all kinds of projects to do!
I set up a bed for Hazel right next to my feet, but to where she could still see what was going on.  I thought she was asleep, but when I came out of my deep concentration I couldn't find her!
Apparently, her view wasn't good enough, she perched herself up on the back of the couch to watch the action.  She only stayed long enough for this picture to be taken once I found her!
I completed two projects tonight!  One for Hazel and one for me!
At every dog shop I've been in, they are selling bandanas that fit on the collar.
When I see them I think, "I could do that myself!"
And Hazel loves it!  Well at least I think she does! She hasn't been bothered by it at all.

Hazel hanging out in her new bandana!
The next project was for me!  I made a small bag out of some large scrap pieces I had.
I wish I could give you measurements and a pattern, but I made it up as I went.
I can tell you what I did though!
I took two same size pieces of the pink patterned and sewed them right sides together.  The turned it inside out, so that the right side was showing and the seams were hidden.  Then repeated it with the beige with white pattern.

I then sewed the now doubled pieces together and turned it inside out.  The top of the bag had the cut edges still showing.  I folded them over about an inch and sewed along the top of the bag and down and inch to make a nice border.

For the straps I took one piece of fabric folded it right sides together and sewed along the open side (leaving both ends open).  Once sewed, I stuck my fingers in one end and turn it inside out.  Lastly, I sewed the strap on the inside of the top and adjusted them for the length I wanted.  I stitched and back stitched a few times for reinforcement and was done!

I really enjoyed it and can't wait to get started on some of my bigger projects! :)

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