
Tomatoes Florentine

We will be in Memphis soon for my cousins wedding! I'm really excited about seeing a few new cities and my family!  My dad and the hubs are pretty excited about eating BBQ!  I've heard so many awesome things about Memphis, I can't wait to see it for myself!

Yesterday, my mama and I were at the grocery store trying to pick out some sides out to go with our grilled shrimp dinner! We had both seen a repost on Facebook for these tomatoes and decided to make them with a few tweaks of our own.  And let me just tell you, they were AWESOME!! I mean they were really really good!
Tomatoes Florentine
Serves 4-6

6 vine ripe tomatoes
1 bag of fresh spinach
3 cloves of minced garlic
Provolone or mozzarella cheese slices
Balsamic Vinegar
4 tbsp water

First slice each tomato in half.  Remove some of the inside (but not all!)  Pour balsamic vinegar in the insides of the tomato and underneath.  Marinate in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.  

Preheat to 350. After marinating, put tomatoes on baking sheet (leave just a little bit of balsamic vinegar inside!). Bake tomatoes for 7-8 minutes.
While tomatoes are baking put spinach and water in a pan on the stove and cover.  After 5 minutes, check the spinach and stir.  Add garlic.  Recover for five more minutes or until done.

Remove tomatoes from oven, drain spinach and put some in each tomato.  Top with a slice of provolone or mozzarella. Broil until cheese is bubbly. And ENJOY!
I promise you won't regret it! 

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