

We've been back from Memphis for a week now, so I figured I'm overdue for a blog update!  But in all seriousness- I've been in detox mode from all of the BBQ eating!  I've been dancing it off at all week at Zumba!

We had such a fun trip! David and I rode with my parents to Memphis, and we stopped in Tupelo, MS for lunch on the way!  Romies had some of the best BBQ ribs I've ever had!
When we arrived in Memphis we immediately got ready for my cousin Mitch's wedding!  Their wedding was absolutely beautiful!  Congratulations Mitch and Lynley!
(They are Ole Miss fans, but we love them any way!)
The next day we toured Memphis! We started with breakfast at the Blue Plate Cafe.  It was fantastic!  We gulped down tons of coffee and omelets. Good fuel for a long day!
We saw Graceland, Sun Studios, Beale Street, and the Peabody Ducks! And obviously- ate more BBQ!  For lunch we went to Central BBQ and had more ribs!
The following picture is from the wall outside Elvis's Graceland! 
The history teacher inside of my got really excited when I found out we were going to visit Martin Luther King, Jr.'s memorial site.  Below is the famous balcony and preserved room that MLK Jr. was staying in.
Next, we visited Sun Studios!  This was a really cool experience.  We got to stand where Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis, and many others famously recorded their first tracks!  I even got to sing into Elvis' mic!
After walking in Elvis's footprints, we headed over to the Peabody Hotel to see the famous Peabody Ducks as they marched from the fountain, down the red carpet, and into the elevator!  ESPN was even there to record!  It was very neat.  Below you will see the Duckmaster explaining the history of the hotel and the ducks.  And when he finished the ducks filed to the elevator!
After more touring, specifically of Beale Street, we ate dinner at Germantown Commissary.  It was delicious!  One of the coolest things about TN BBQ restaurants is that they have deviled eggs as a side.  YUM!  I was in heaven!  This was an especially good meal! The picture seriously doesn't do it justice.
We were exhausted and went back to catch some sleep for a long day of traveling to come.  In the morning, we caffeinated ourselves and got on the road.  But don't worry--we stopped for BBQ one more time!  We took a different route home and went through Nashville.  We stretched our legs and ate lunch at Jack's in downtown.
We headed home with only one more stop for a little shopping adventure.  The guys weren't as excited about it as my mama and I were, but they were troopers!
All in all, it was an awesome trip! I'm so happy Mitch gave us a reason to check out a new city and explore some others on the way.  It seems like we did a lot of eating--and we did.
But it was all worth it!

So now it makes sense why I've been at the gym maybe? :)

Hope you've had a great weekend!