
Oh the wonders of technology! I am able to blog poolside via my phone! Unfortunately, I missed Oh How Pinteresting Wednesday, BUT I replaced it with tanning, swimming, beach walking, and peel and eat shrimp! Also true of this week... I ate a lobster! At Johnny Longboards, we had a longboard! It was a huge piece of zucchini with crab meat stuffed inside, baled with parmesan cheese on top! So yummy! Needless to say, I am not looking forward to my return to the real world!

I accomplished my goal of finishing the last to Hunger Games books! I LOVE the ending! Love it!!!!!!! This week I have also read The Lucky One! I'm looking forward to seeing Zac Efron play Logan! (I know I'm 25, don't judge me, he's cute!)

In the next week and a half, I have my engagement pictures, and two bridal showers to look forward to! I'm really exciting! Those chapel bells ring in 58 days! David and I are so excited! Until my return, here are some pictures of my trip so far!

1 comment:

  1. Your vacation looks fabulous, it makes me miss my spring break! My tan has long since faded. Enjoy the sun! :)


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